11 Best Teens Movies – Watch with your Teenaged Child  

Teens are now watching TV and other media using a variety of devices such as tablets, phones, and laptops, as well as televisions. It becomes difficult and challenging for the parents of teens to keep an eye on what they're watching. However, watching movies with a teenage son or daughter could be a huge benefit. Here is the list of movies you can watch with your tweens and teens and have a nice time together:
HomeEntertainment11 Most Stunning Church Around the World with Impressive Structure

11 Most Stunning Church Around the World with Impressive Structure

If you’re yourself a spiritual being there is something special when you visit sacred sites on an excursion. These structures not only create a sense and community, they’re often the most impressive structures at any particular location. There’s no doubt about the appeal of churches. In addition, these stunning structures of Church attract special attention because of their angles. In this article, we prove that a bit of faith (and some creativity) can go a long way and present the most stunning church around the world.

St. Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow, Russia

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia
St. Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow, Russia

St. Basil’s Cathedral is a vibrant and psychedelic scene in Moscow’s Red Square, thanks to its vibrant domes and swirling patterns. Today, the colorful structure, built through Ivan the Terrible in the early 1500s is still rising as if from a dream within the heart of the city’s modern.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral Church, New York City

St. Patrick's Cathedral Church, New York City
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Church, New York City

It is possibly the most well-known of New York City’s most holy landmarks. This Neo-Gothic Roman Catholic church, erected between 1858-1878, is a beautiful sight among the towers along 5th Avenue, becoming a buzz of activity throughout the day.

Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal, Canada

Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal, Canada
Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal, Canada

The church was built in 1820s Old Montreal. It is a magnificent instance that exemplifies architecture in the Gothic Revival style. Moreover, it is featuring two towers that rise above the ground with hundreds of intricate wooden carvings, and a massive Casavant Freres organ built in 1891.

Cathedral of Brasilia, Brazil

Cathedral of Brasilia, Brazil
Cathedral of Brasilia, Brazil

This church outside 16 concrete pillars make up the structure makes Brasilia’s Cathedral of Brasilia resemble a mysterious UFO. From inside the vast windows of blue and green stained glass create one of the more stunning churches around the globe.

Duomo di Milano Church, Italy

Duomo di Milano Church, Italy
Duomo di Milano Church, Italy

The stunning white Gothic cathedral located in Milan. It is the home of the most statues of any cathedral in the world.  Around 3,500 statues, two-thirds of which are located on the gargoyle-lined roof. It also has 135 spires. You can listen to the audio inside the cathedral to make the most of your visit.

Las Lajas Sanctuary, Narino, Colombia

Las Lajas Sanctuary, Narino, Colombia
Las Lajas Sanctuary, Narino, Colombia

In Colombia, it is among the most bizarre churches on the planet due to its shaky position at a height of 150 feet above the gorge of a river. The site was initially used as a religious site in the late 1700s.

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

La Sagrada Familia Church, Barcelona, Spain
La Sagrada Familia Church, Barcelona, Spain

One of the most well-known churches around the globe. La Sagrada Familia is the perfect example of this, it’s said to never be completed, but this shouldn’t hinder anyone from going to the Barcelona famous landmark. It’s up to the 4.5 million visitors annually to get the most spectacular views, but once you’ve stepped up to see those imposing vaults and the sparkling stained glass and awe-inspiring stained glass, you’ll exhale in awe.

The Pilgrimage Church of Wies, Steingaden, Germany

The Pilgrimage Church of Wies, Steingaden, Germany
The Pilgrimage Church of Wies, Steingaden, Germany

With its vivid hues and stunning frescoes the listed UNESCO Church of Wies is a masterpiece of Rococo architecture. It also has the advantage of a picturesque Alpine setting.

Basilique du Sacre-Coeur, Paris, France

Basilique du Sacre-Coeur, Paris, France
Basilique du Sacre-Coeur, Paris, France

The second-tallest building in Paris (topped with that of the Eiffel Tower). This is a Catholic church situated on the city’s top hill, in Montmartre. The church stands out due to its white stone façade and Byzantine architecture. Inside the ceiling is a vivid color that is adorned with the largest mosaic of France.

Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland

Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland
Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland

The creation of  church design was to look like basalt lava flowing through Iceland. The church is designed to look like a powerful upside-down V that is made of long, thin white beams. While the exterior is stunning be sure to visit the inside too.

Church of the Transfiguration, Kizhi Island, Russia

Church of the Transfiguration, Kizhi Island, Russia
Church of the Transfiguration, Kizhi Island, Russia

Its location is in Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, Kizhi Island is in essence a huge open-air museum that houses a variety of historic wooden structures known as the Church of the Transfiguration. The construction of 22-dome structure took place in 1714 and it is famous for a significant engineering feat: There was no use of even a single nail during the construction. During its construction, horizontal logs interlocked at between the cornerstones. This is must visit Church.

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