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HomeLifeStyle11 Things Every Girl Should Know in Her Twenties

11 Things Every Girl Should Know in Her Twenties

Every Girl is Unique and Beautiful in its own ways. Be Outstanding, and World will rush to You. Here we have picked up 11 Things Every Girl Should Know in Her Twenties to Make their own mark in this World.

11 Things Every Girl Should Know in Her Twenties1. Build Your Identity

This the peak time which will decide your rest future career. So focus more on studies and career selection. No one is going to define you. Establish your own identity. Financial Independence is one of the major contribution in being self dependent.

2. Never Rush for Being in Relationship

Some of your Girl friends may be in relationship, busy in finding partners, dreaming of fairy tale wedding etc. It’s all seems very tempting and why not. Nothing wrong in having boyfriend and male friends. But that doesn’t mean immediately falling in love or getting married. Rather take your time and then decide with full sense who is the right guy and when to get married?

3. Clarity of Goal

When asked about future planning’s, you must be mentally ready with your ambition defined and have your goals set professionally and in personal life as well.

4. Be Decisive

Now this is the right time to learn being decisive and being mature enough to take decisions in balanced way to some extent. That is also true nothing is our hand sometimes it can be wrong also.

5. Socialize Yourself

Socialize yourself  as much as possible. This is the only way to get to know people. Interaction with people  give  you more experience and understanding. This is also a way to learn and explore yourself.

6. Learn Self Defense

One of the Most important things every girl should know about is Self Defense. Learn basic things at least to protect yourself. Why to always depend on others and what if no one is around in your tough time?

7. Learn How to Cook

Not only girls but everyone should learn how to cook at least for themselves. We need enough nutrition for ourselves to stay fit and healthy.

After all health is wealth.

8. Learn Some Makeup and Hairstyling Tricks

It’s my personal experience. When i was a girl in my twenties, i never thought of learning hairstyling or makeup tricks, was thinking it’s all waste of time.

And the present situation is like for small things also I am dependent on others. So learn some basic tricks to make yourself  presentable in both professional and personal life.

And I can tell you learning never goes in vain.

9. Chin-Up and Favor Feminine Fondness

Wear your feminist part inside you with grace and attitude.

It’s all okay to prefer pink as a girl. It’s all okay to learn knitting. It’s all okay to be emotional, after all it keeps heart pure and alive. It is okay  to look after your family and prioritize them before career. Never consider the Girl’s fondness as matter of inferiority. Rather it’s an add-on quality.

10. Be flexible Enough to Bear Some Adjustments

At some point of  time we all have to make some adjustments and move on. So we should be flexible enough to accept it.

11. Enjoy Life to the Fullest

Last but not the least I must say that Girl, this is the golden phase. So enjoy every moment to the fullest. Travel, hangout out with friends, gossip, go for movies as many more responsibilities and commitments are waiting in queue.

Author’s Point

I have tried to put you a consolidated view of what things every girl should know in her twenties to be outstanding. If you have more suggestions or feel like discussing these with me, comment down below and i will ping back to you.