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HomeEntertainmentLow Light Indoor Plants for Home Decoration That Need Less Maintenance

Low Light Indoor Plants for Home Decoration That Need Less Maintenance

Low Light Indoor Plants are in trends as they need less maintenance and can be placed anywhere in your house. In this article we have brought some of the most famous Low Light Indoor Plants which will beautify your house, requires less maintenance and keep you close to the nature.

Are you afraid to keep house plants at home or in one particular space in fear that you don’t have enough lighting? Don’t be afraid! These low light indoor plants are able to thrive in low light conditions and are easy to cultivate.

If you’re not certain what type of light you have, take a look at this: A room facing south filled with windows can provide the most light. Medium light can be found in an east or west-facing space. Rooms that face north or have windows are considered to be low-light spaces. If your space isn’t equipped with windows, you must keep lights on for 24 hours a day, or move low light indoor plants around the room for several weeks before returning them to a natural-light room.

Here are the recommendation of some Low Light Indoor Plants that need minimal maintenance and which can grow in Low light too:

Ivy Indoor Plant

Ivy Indoor Plant
Ivy Indoor Plant

English as well as Algerian ivies thrive in light to moderately low conditions. They will dry out between the waterings.

ZZ Plant is used as Indoor Plant

ZZ Low Light Indoor Plants
ZZ Low Light Indoor Plants

ZZ plant thrives in dry environments and pushes the limit of low light to the limit.

Ponytail Palm

Ponytail Palm Indoor Plant
Ponytail Palm Indoor Plant

Next in our list of Low light indoor plants is the Ponytail Palm. The natives of semi-desert areas of Mexico The poniestail palms ( Beaucarnea) are succulents that belong to the family of agaves. They conserve the water inside their trunks that can grow in size and resemble the footprint of an elephant. They are among the most easy tropical plants to cultivate that thrive in dim to bright indirect sunlight.

Snake Plant used as Indoor Plant

Snake Low Light Indoor Plants
Snake Low Light Indoor Plants

Snake plant is a great choice for dry conditions and can handle low-light to moderately intense light well.

Staghorn Fern can Survive in Low Light

Staghorn Fern Low Light Indoor Plants
Staghorn Fern Low Light Indoor Plants

Staghorn Ferns thrive in humid environments such as bathrooms. Nature-wise, the staghorn fern is found in trees and does not require soil or moisture to surround its roots. It requires moderate light.

Parlor Palm

Parlor Palm Indoor Plant
Parlor Palm Indoor Plant

Also known as Neanthe bella palms, these palms can be adapted to conditions with low light or thrive near windows that receive cool morning sunlight or late afternoon sunlight. This palm with a fine texture is an ideal option for gardeners who are just beginning their careers and need a Low light indoor plant for home decoration.

Pothos Beautifies our Home

Pothos Low Light Indoor Plants
Pothos Low Light Indoor Plants

Pothos one of the low light indoor plants that loves shade. It is able to handle a broad range of conditions, and it still does excellently. Ideally, they should be able to handle moderate to low light levels and dry between irrigations.

Maidenhair Fern

Maidenhair Fern Indoor Plant
Maidenhair Fern Indoor Plant

Many ferns, like buttons, autumn Maidenhair, rabbit’s feet, maidenhair and many others, are great choices as low light indoor plants. Make sure they have a moist, consistent soil and light to moderate light.

Yucca Cane

Yucca Cane Indoor Plant
Yucca Cane Indoor Plant

Yucca cane plants are tolerant of the dim light of indoors, but increase in brightness and indirect light. Don’t fret if you’ve forgotten that you need to water the plants. They’re drought-resistant, and require to be watered only when the upper 50 percent of the soil appears dry.

Dieffenbachia Indoor Plant Decorates Homes

Dieffenbachia Indoor Plant
Dieffenbachia Indoor Plant


Dieffenbachia likes a light-to-medium region. Let it dry between irrigations.

Nerve Plant

Nerve Indoor Plant
Nerve Indoor Plant


Nerve plants derive their common name due to the bright veins of their leaves. These small low light indoor plants need often called mosaic plants indirect, filtering light or shade, and high humidity. This pink plant is part of the Exotic Angel series.

Philodendron is a type of Indoor Plant

Philodendron Indoor Plant
Philodendron Indoor Plant


Philodendron is an average to low-light houseplant which prefers to remain dry between irrigations. Some varieties are trailing, or may be trained to become a”post,” or “totem.” Other forms have bigger leaves and a lush environment.

Schefflera Arboricola

Schefflera Arboricola Indoor Plant
Schefflera Arboricola Indoor Plant

Sometimes referred to as dwarf umbrella trees, Schefflera arboricolas thrive in moderate to low light conditions. They can also thrive under artificial lighting if maintained within one feet of the light source.


Calathea Indoor Plant
Calathea Indoor Plant

Calathea, a a great choice as low light indoor plants, grows well in moderate levels of light. They require consistent moisture to ensure the best results. The lesser the light is, the more often they’ll bloom.

Anthurium is different kind of Indoor Plant

Anthurium Low Light Indoor Plants
Anthurium Indoor Plants

Anthurium blooms in white, red or pink. They rebloom in light to medium. Maintain a constant moisture in the soil.

Rex Begonia

Rex Begonia Indoor Plant
Rex Begonia Indoor Plant

Rex begonias are cultivated for their beautiful foliage. They should be kept in moderate to low light, and let them dry between irrigations.

Lucky Bamboo seems Lucky for our Lives

Lucky Bamboo Indoor Plant
Lucky Bamboo Indoor Plant

This housewarming present is typically received as water only. It’s possible to stay this way for a while, and only alter the water each week. If you would like, plant it in the soil and make sure it is evenly humid. Medium to low light is ideal well.

Dracaena ‘Twister’

Dracaena 'Twister' Indoor Plant
Dracaena ‘Twister’ Indoor Plant

“Twister” is a new breed that comes from dracaenas that has dark, green strung leaves that appear to spiral upwards and down its stalks. It is able to handle low light as well as bright, indirect light. The houseplant is believed to aid in purifying indoor air.

Tradescantia Zebrina

Tradescantia Zebrina Indoor Plant
Tradescantia Zebrina Indoor Plant

The Tradescantias are beautiful in hanging baskets or planters with their stems that flow effortlessly. Tradescantia Zebrina which is shown here has purple and green leaves with stripes. Other varieties are available in blue, silver, burgundy, and purple-green. Sometimes referred to as spiderworts, these indoor plants prefer the low to bright, indirect light.

Chinese Evergreen Indoor Plant

Chinese Evergreen Indoor Plant
Chinese Evergreen Indoor Plant

Aglaonema (also known as Chinese evergreen is a very easy to cultivate foliage plant that thrives in medium to low light. Dry it out between watering.

Peace Lily Indoor Plant

Peace Lily Indoor Plant
Peace Lily Indoor Plant

Peace lily another indoor plant that likes moderate to low lighting and always humid soil. It blooms numerous times per year, even in low light conditions.

Spider Plant

Spider Indoor Plant
Spider Indoor Plant

The spider plant is adaptable, and are one of the most easy-to-grow houseplants. They can thrive in a wide range of conditions, which makes them ideal for every home. Make sure they have a well-drained soil, and low or indirect light to grow.


Monstera-deliciosa Indoor Plant
Monstera-deliciosa Indoor Plant

Monstera which is sometimes referred to in the form of Monstera, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is an absolute real show stopping attraction. This type of indoor plant is perfect to give a vibrant, tropical look in your house. It can withstand low light conditions and can help cleanse the air.

Arrowhead Plant

Arrowhead Indoor Plant
Arrowhead Indoor Plant

It is Syngonium podophyllum is a plant that grows easily with minimal requirements. To keep it looking good it requires periodic pruning in order to maintain its erratic nature under control.

Prayer Plant

Prayer Indoor Plant
Prayer Indoor Plant

This beautiful indoor plant can easily survive in low light. The prayer plant need soil that is well-drained with highest humidity.

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